Swim Lessons
Swim lesson sign up has begun for the upcoming session, call 810-653-9602 and ask for Barb Appleton.

Group Fitness Schedule
Check out our new Group Fitness Schedule! All of these great classes are included with membership!

Family Fitness Class
Get your kids moving with you! Kids ages 8+ are welcome to join in on this fun fitness class in our aerobic studio.

3 Month Fall Memberships
Starting today we are offering our 3 Month Fall Memberships. Memberships run 3 full months from the date of signup. Or pay in full for 12...

DAC Fall 2016 Swim Lesson Schedule
Please note the registration periods for our Fall 2016 Swim Lessons.

3 Month Summer Memberships
Sign up is still going strong for our 3 Month Summer Memberships! They run 3 full months from the date of signup. At the end of the 3...