Swim Lessons
Swim lesson sign up has begun for the upcoming session, call 810-653-9602 and ask for Barb Appleton.

Fall Swim Lessons
Fall Swim Lessons are around the corner! First session registration for members will be August 28th and non-members August 29th.

Current Pool Schedule
Effective 6/26/17-7/22/17

DAC Marlin's Swim Team
It's never too early to start thinking about our fun summer swim team! Mark the date to join us for the informational meeting on May 7th.

3 Month Fall Memberships
Starting today we are offering our 3 Month Fall Memberships. Memberships run 3 full months from the date of signup. Or pay in full for 12...

October-Breast Cancer Awareness Month Help DAC raise funds for cancer research
Join us for our 6th annual Tri on October 16th to raise money for cancer research. 100% of entry fees are given to the Gateway...

Updated Pool Schedule
Updated pool schedule in effect from June 18, 2016 through July 24th, 2016.

Summer Swim Team
Don't forget the annual DAC Marlin's Swim Team Meeting is May 4th. Sign up also begins that evening.

Summer Swim Lessons
Summer Swim Lesson dates are here! Sign up begins June 6th. You can also find out more about our pool under the Athletic Club tab on the...